How to Reclaim Your Most Beautiful, Aligned Life in
12 Weeks


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I've been trained in personal development for fifteen years. I'm trained in therapy. Unravel was able to open parts of myself that had been locked away. It has changed what I give myself permission to be and do. It has changed everything. 

Deliciously mindblowing. Deceptively simple.
Unravel is the leap of faith you wish you had already taken.

-Isabelle Leturcq

Deliciously mindblowing. Deceptively simple.

You can't imagine how deep Unravel goes. It teaches you how to break your shell. 

It is the purest communication I've ever had with people. It was not like the typical healing group. Everyone was natural. They support you just like a family. It was the first time in my life when I saw the bright light for my path. 

-Ercan Imer

My life is literally before Unravel, after Unravel. I can never express my gratitude for this program.

I've spent thousands of dollars on personal growth courses. But they never went to the core like Unravel did. Now, I know myself. I got to heal parts of myself which I can never put a price on. I have inner peace and contentment. I have tools to work through things in my life for life. 

- Luchia Dragosh

Unravel provided the most trusting, open, and responsive community I've ever come across. 

You will all start off as strangers. You will all finish as friends. It is so fulfilling to see something in yourself and others change each week. I continually use the tools and look into the future knowing that I will be happy, constructive, and creative. 

-Sean Doran

Unravel has helped me redefine how I take up space in the world and the level of okayness with which I take up space. I feel far more confident in expressing myself, sharing my ideas, and leading. And I'm not afraid anymore to say: I need rest today.

Unravel is worth 10x the cost. It's a gorgeous symphony that takes you to places traditional courses or therapy can't.

-Michelle Cook

Unravel is the core of life. I have never received such love and support from a group.

It is a deep immersion into the depths of being. Receiving such unconditional love and acceptance from this community helped me give it to myself. It is key to healing. I feel like I've stepped into my power.

-Ulli Jaklin

After Unravel, when it comes to trying new things, I feel like my hands aren't tied anymore.  

-Daniel Gonske

Unravel was wind in my sails, a boost, a blessing. My transformation has not only benefited me, but also my family and community. It will be with me for the rest of my life. 

Unravel allowed me to discover what it means to love and accept myself without strings attached.

- Esther Jeon

I feel like I have met myself and feel a sense of belonging within me that I hadn't before. I usually don't describe things as life-changing, but Unravel is definitely life-changing. It will forever remain in my heart.

Unravel helped me realize what it is to be alive. It's like adding rocket fuel to your state of being.

Unravel helped me realize what it is to be alive.
The community restored my faith in humanity.

It's like a training ground for letting yourself go, for being willing to open up to other people around you. It helps me greet the day with joy and honesty. I can't imagine what my life would be like without Unravel.

-Kyle McCloskey

I can't think of a better guide as one heads into the interior spaces of their creative soul.

Dandan is a kind, loving, wise and ever patient guide. She is someone who has traveled the land before, who knows the best ways to traverse wild rivers and scale impossibly high cliffs. She knows where to find the sweetest fruits along the way. Unravel is a work of art in personal growth.

- Tanmayo

Unravel is like waking up and being like "Wow, this is me!"

Unravel is like waking up and being like
 "Wow, this is me!"

Life was gray, so I left this journey with colors again. They're back and I feel happy. I had a hard time feeling happy and now I feel happy. It's really amazing. It feels like these three months were a few years, because we rewrote and went into things that I thought would take me years to unlock and explore. 

-Jennifer Salomonsson

Unravel isn't a course. It's a whole new way of being in myself and experiencing life.

Unravel isn't a course. It's a whole new way of being in myself and experiencing life.

I feel like I don't have as much anxiety for how I show up around people. I feel more comfortable showing up how I am and going from there. It's like going from not feeling worthy to exist and then existing. I was surprised. And happy. It was beautiful to experience.  

-Megan Orozco

Unravel is healing while playing. It is the greatest catharsis of one's life.

Unravel has given me this clear vision, this map. I now feel comfortable and safe within myself, which I've never encountered my whole life. I can name all the ways my life has changed throughout this journey, but that'd take at least a three hour session to sum up.

-Josefa Fox

"I've have been trained in personal development for 15 years and am trained in therapy. Unravel managed to open parts in me that have been locked until then. It has changed the way I perceive myself, the way I talk to myself, what I give myself permission to be and do. It has changed everything."

~Isabelle Leturcq

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Common Questions, Answered by Our Unravelers

What is the curriculum like?

I'm an introvert. Is Unravel for me?

What is the community like?

How will unravel affect my parenting?

What do i do if I'm still on the fence?

Is unravel worth the financial investment?

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Common Questions, Answered by Our Unravelers

What is the curriculum like?

I'm an introvert. Is Unravel for me?

What is the community like?

How will unravel affect my parenting?

What do I do if I'm still on the fence?

Is unravel worth the financial investment?

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